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Book: Over 120 hand drawn illustrations and examples from professional engraving artist Lee Griffiths Full of solid design advice, to the point guidelines, and pages of notes that will help engravers, jewelers, artists, and other craftsmen learn to draw better Topics include designing with a bedget, negative and positive space, using multiplescrolls in a design, overlapping and interlocking elements, borders, leaves, flowers shading and folds. DVD: Video is the perfect companion to Lees’ book and great for those who learn better from visual demonstrations. Lee covers the basics of art and design in nearly three hours with up-close drawing demonstrations and thorough explanations. 2 discs. Disc 1 run time: 1 hr 31 mins. Disc 2 run time 1 hr 19 mins
0 0 1 EUR
N.º de producto: 100011037
LEE GRIFFITHS ART & DESIGN BOOK AND DVD COMBO PACK Libro: Más de 120 ilustraciones y ejemplos dibujados a mano por el artista profesional de grabado Lee Griffiths. Lleno de consejos sólidos sobre diseño, pautas concisas y páginas de notas que ayudarán a grabadores, joyeros, artistas y otros artesanos a aprender a dibujar mejor. Los temas incluyen diseño con presupuesto, espacio negativo y positivo, uso de múltiples volutas en un diseño, elementos superpuestos e interconectados, bordes, hojas, flores, sombreado y pliegues. DVD: El video es el complemento perfecto para el libro de Lee y es ideal para aquellos que aprenden mejor con demostraciones visuales. Lee cubre los conceptos básicos del arte y el diseño en casi tres horas con demostraciones de dibujo de cerca y explicaciones detalladas. 2 discos. Tiempo de ejecución del Disco 1: 1 hora 31 minutos. Tiempo de ejecución del Disco 2: 1 hora 19 minutos
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Caracteristicas: Estilo: Gunsmithing Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Expert


Estilo: Gunsmithing Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Expert Peso de entrega: 0,386kg

Detalles del artículo

Hecho en USA

Book: Over 120 hand drawn illustrations and examples from professional engraving artist Lee Griffiths Full of solid design advice, to the point guidelines, and pages of notes that will help engravers, jewelers, artists, and other craftsmen learn to draw better Topics include designing with a bedget, negative and positive space, using multiplescrolls in a design, overlapping and interlocking elements, borders, leaves, flowers shading and folds. DVD: Video is the perfect companion to Lees’ book and great for those who learn better from visual demonstrations. Lee covers the basics of art and design in nearly three hours with up-close drawing demonstrations and thorough explanations. 2 discs. Disc 1 run time: 1 hr 31 mins. Disc 2 run time 1 hr 19 mins