- Tipo de arma: AR-15
- Peso de entrega: 0,023kg
- Altura de envío: 5mm
- Ancho de envío: 91mm
- Longitud de envío: 163mm
- UPC: 050806102163
N.º de producto: 080216012
050806102163 Martillo plano especialmente diseñado que despeja el lado izquierdo del pozo del cargador, permitiendo que el pasador de pivote del bolt catch se retire al empujarlo hacia atrás.Plazo de entrega de aproximadamente 14-21 días.
Plazo de entrega de aproximadamente 14-21 días.
Kind of expensive for one little punch.. 26/09/2018
Kind of expensive for one little punch but it did make uninstalling a normal bolt catch and installing the Geiselle mariner catch a ton easier. I broke my original punch trying to get these darn things out so I didn't start with this thing.
If you're installing a bolt catch do yourself a favor and attach the bolt catch to the rifle with a punch first, then move the punch out of the way with the roll pin you're driving in. This will keep everything lined up.
Cons: it did bend a little bit installing the second pin. I was beating the poo out of it though.
Ultimately too pricey and fragile 16/07/2018
It's a great idea ... after installing 8+ bolt catch pins without one I figured I'd give it a try. Ponied up, spent the $18, and yes, it was a bit handier than a standard round-handled punch. On the next build though, I dropped it off my bench (38" high) and it broke. So I picked up my tried-and-true old round punch and finished the job quickly with no issue, just like I've always done. Ultimately for $18 this punch doesn't solve world peace. I would say it's a little better than the standard punch, but at the end of the day this was a very expensive single-use tool and now I'm right back where I started. So I really can't recommend it at all.
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