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680665827282 430103557
ASF-50 is a short throw (rotate to 50 degree for FIRE/SEMI) semi auto selector with standard (non-offset) levers. ASF (Ambidextrous Selector, Forward Controls) and SOLGW’s The Quick is a joint project between FCD and SOLGW. ASF was designed from the ground up to be a defense/duty/combat safety selector, its mission is quite aptly reflected by the way its levers are attached the center, via a stainless steel roll pin. The lever to center interface is immensely strong, the high shear strength (800 lbs) 420 stainless steel spring steel roll pin simply holds the two in place, and doesn't handle any load. One of the design goals dictates there be little to no wobble between the lever and center, Forward Controls Design called for very tight tolerances (+0.001/-0.00) on ASF's lever and center interface to achieve that. NOTE: +/- 0.002 combined tolerance (+/- 0.001 on the levers and center's lever attachment interface) can, on rare occasions, can exhibit minute movement, this is normal, and unavoidable, the 0.002 of movement is almost imperceptible and doesn't affect ASF's function. Forward Controls Design are known to many for the dimpled pattern we use on some control surfaces (AA, or All Angles, is a designation). ASF levers are serrated, not dimpled. As the lever rotates, the user’s finger slides on the lever, anything but serrations along the length of the lever only impedes that movement and creates friction for no benefit. Serrations diagonal or perpendicular to the length of the lever are similarly unhelpful. Serrations parallel to the lever's length help mitigate lateral movement, and do not impede the finger's sliding motion. ASF lever's profile isn't square, its outer most portion is somewhat tapered for a reason. When the user’s hand holds the pistol grip, the profile of the ASF lever conforms to angle of the thumb's pad. For friends and customers that wish to see dimples on the ASF, there is a single dimple on both sides to function as a position indicator (in lieu of a pointer), it’s elegant and simple. ASF is shipped with a selector spring, a KNS nitrided selector detent, two levers (or one lever, with an end cap), 4 roll pins (two are needed for installation, with 2 spares). ASF centers are billet machined in 8620, heat treated and black nitrided. Levers are billet machined in 8620 and black nitrided. ASF is a collaboration with Sons of Liberty Gunworks. Made in the USA.  
139.9 139.9 1 EUR
N.º de producto: 430103557
Ref Fabricante: ASF-50 680665827282 El ASF-50 es un selector de tiro corto (rota a 50 grados para FIRE/SEMI) para semi automático con palancas estándar (sin desplazamiento). ASF (Selector Ambidiestro, Forward Controls) y The Quick de SOLGW es un proyecto conjunto entre FCD y SOLGW. El ASF fue diseñado desde cero para ser un selector de seguridad para defensa/servicio/combate, y su misión se refleja de manera muy adecuada en la forma en que sus palancas están unidas al centro, mediante un pasador de rodillo de acero inoxidable. La interfaz entre la palanca y el centro es extremadamente fuerte, el pasador de rodillo de acero inoxidable de alta resistencia al corte (800 libras) de acero de resorte 420 simplemente mantiene los dos en su lugar y no maneja ninguna carga. Uno de los objetivos de diseño dicta que haya poco o ningún juego entre la palanca y el centro, Forward Controls Design exigió tolerancias muy ajustadas (+0.001/-0.00) en la interfaz de la palanca y el centro de ASF para lograrlo. NOTA: una tolerancia combinada de +/- 0.002 (±0.001 en las palancas y la interfaz de unión de la palanca del centro) puede, en raras ocasiones, mostrar un movimiento mínimo, esto es normal e inevitable, los 0.002 de movimiento son casi imperceptibles y no afectan la función de ASF. Forward Controls Design es conocido por muchos por el patrón de puntos que usamos en algunas superficies de control (AA, o All Angles, es una designación). Las palancas de ASF son serradas, no punteadas. A medida que la palanca rota, el dedo del usuario se desliza sobre la palanca, cualquier cosa que no sean serraciones a lo largo de la palanca solo impide ese movimiento y crea fricción sin beneficio. Las serraciones diagonales o perpendiculares a la longitud de la palanca son igualmente inútiles. Las serraciones paralelas a la longitud de la palanca ayudan a mitigar el movimiento lateral y no impiden el deslizamiento del dedo. El perfil de la palanca de ASF no es cuadrado, su parte más externa está algo cónica por una razón. Cuando la mano del usuario sostiene la empuñadura del pistolete, el perfil de la palanca ASF se adapta al ángulo de la almohadilla del pulgar. Para amigos y clientes que deseen ver puntos en el ASF, hay un solo punto en ambos lados que funciona como indicador de posición (en lugar de un puntero), es elegante y sencillo. El ASF se envía con un resorte selector, un detente selector nitrurado de KNS, dos palancas (o una palanca, con una tapa final), 4 pasadores de rodillo (se necesitan dos para la instalación, con 2 de repuesto). Los centros de ASF son mecanizados en bloque en 8620, tratados térmicamente y nitrurados en negro. Las palancas son mecanizadas en bloque en 8620 y nitruradas en negro. ASF es una colaboración con Sons of Liberty Gunworks. Hecho en EE. UU.
139.9 EUR 0 139,90 € *
Pedido pendiente, tiempo de entrega aproximado 4-12 semanas desde el almacén de EE. UU.
Caracteristicas: Hacer: AR-15

Top takeaways

  1. El ASF-50 es un selector de seguridad ambidiestro diseñado para defensa/servicio/combate, con rotación de 50 grados para FIRE/SEMI.
  2. Las palancas están unidas al centro mediante un pasador de rodillo de acero inoxidable de alta resistencia, minimizando el juego entre la palanca y el centro.
  3. Incluye un resorte selector, un detente selector nitrurado, dos palancas (o una palanca con una tapa final), y cuatro pasadores de rodillo, todo hecho en EE. UU.


Hacer: AR-15 Peso de entrega: 0,644kg Altura de envío: 20mm Ancho de envío: 83mm Longitud de envío: 140mm UPC : 680665827282

Detalles del artículo

Hecho en USA
Clasificación de exportación de EE. UU.: 0A501.x

Descubre el selector de seguridad ambidiestro ASF-50 para AR-15 🔒. Diseño robusto y ergonómico, ideal para defensa y combate.

ASF-50 is a short throw (rotate to 50 degree for FIRE/SEMI) semi auto selector with standard (non-offset) levers. ASF (Ambidextrous Selector, Forward Controls) and SOLGW’s The Quick is a joint project between FCD and SOLGW. ASF was designed from the ground up to be a defense/duty/combat safety selector, its mission is quite aptly reflected by the way its levers are attached the center, via a stainless steel roll pin. The lever to center interface is immensely strong, the high shear strength (800 lbs) 420 stainless steel spring steel roll pin simply holds the two in place, and doesn't handle any load. One of the design goals dictates there be little to no wobble between the lever and center, Forward Controls Design called for very tight tolerances (+0.001/-0.00) on ASF's lever and center interface to achieve that. NOTE: +/- 0.002 combined tolerance (+/- 0.001 on the levers and center's lever attachment interface) can, on rare occasions, can exhibit minute movement, this is normal, and unavoidable, the 0.002 of movement is almost imperceptible and doesn't affect ASF's function. Forward Controls Design are known to many for the dimpled pattern we use on some control surfaces (AA, or All Angles, is a designation). ASF levers are serrated, not dimpled. As the lever rotates, the user’s finger slides on the lever, anything but serrations along the length of the lever only impedes that movement and creates friction for no benefit. Serrations diagonal or perpendicular to the length of the lever are similarly unhelpful. Serrations parallel to the lever's length help mitigate lateral movement, and do not impede the finger's sliding motion. ASF lever's profile isn't square, its outer most portion is somewhat tapered for a reason. When the user’s hand holds the pistol grip, the profile of the ASF lever conforms to angle of the thumb's pad. For friends and customers that wish to see dimples on the ASF, there is a single dimple on both sides to function as a position indicator (in lieu of a pointer), it’s elegant and simple. ASF is shipped with a selector spring, a KNS nitrided selector detent, two levers (or one lever, with an end cap), 4 roll pins (two are needed for installation, with 2 spares). ASF centers are billet machined in 8620, heat treated and black nitrided. Levers are billet machined in 8620 and black nitrided. ASF is a collaboration with Sons of Liberty Gunworks. Made in the USA.